Food for Good


At Vicenza Convention Centre we recover food left over at events and donate it to local charities.  

ViCC endorses Food For Good - from meeting to solidarity, a national scheme launched in collaboration with Federcongressi, Banco Alimentare and Equoevento.

Food for Good has become one of the best practices on the EU Platform on the issue of food loss and waste - a result that gratifies all the players who actively participate in the recovery of excess food.

So your contribution is important: without additional costs and in collaboration with the chefs of Summertrade, Italian Exhibition Group's catering partner, you can create menus for your guests that are also suitable for subsequent storing and transporting any leftovers. This action demonstrates great social responsibility and the results obtained in the initial months of experimentation confirm its effectiveness.

Get in touch to get more information: we'll be happy to guide you in your choice.